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舰艇作战模拟训练评估技术需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对舰艇作战模拟训练评估的特点与不足,建立了一种新的评估方案。阐述了评估的目标、内涵及内容,剖析了问题的层次结构,进而提出了舰艇作战模拟训练评估的技术需求。研究结果可为完善模拟训练评估工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   
王数  张利亭  张凯 《国防科技》2021,42(1):77-83
世界范围内有关标准化与技术创新的关系研究已近百年,各方学者专家普遍认为标准化有助于技术知识的积累、创新效率的提升以及创新成果的扩散。由于前沿技术具有战略地位高、产业规模大、研发风险高、学科交叉融合、发展路径多样以及创新资源稀缺等特点,相比标准化与传统技术创新,标准化与前沿技术创新之间呈现出一定的网络关系、耦合关系和产品互促关系。本文通过归并标准化与前沿技术创新参与主体、对比各自生命周期发展以及阶段性成果情况,分析阐述了二者之间关系的理解认识,并提出应充分发挥标准化的战略工具性、公共品属性和广泛兼容性,强化对前沿技术军事应用创新方向校准的导向作用、创新资源整合的协同作用及创新成果转化的推动作用,加速国防前沿技术推动新型作战力量和保障力量的发展。促进"黑科技"和"杀手锏"的形成。  相似文献   
林勇  汪贻生  刘波  李睿 《国防科技》2021,42(2):68-72
增材制造技术是一种新型的制造技术,现已被应用到了航空航天、汽车工业和军事等诸多行业领域。作为军事领域的重要组成部分,军事物流与增材制造技术通过军用物资这一共同的作用对象为纽带存在着天然的联系。遗憾的是,目前增材制造技术在军事领域的应用范围还比较局限,有关军事物流的应用更是少见。为有效推动增材制造技术在军事物流中的应用实践,本文首先从装备研制、装备维修、医疗保障和工程保障四个方面归纳总结了增材制造技术的军事应用现状;在此基础上,研究探讨了增材制造技术在军事物流中的两种应用模式,即物资储备和伴随保障;最后,从思想认识、经费投入、理论研究、应用试点以及人才储备五个方面提出了增材制造技术的军事物流应用对策建议。  相似文献   
This article seeks to compare Australia's involvement in two key 1990s peace missions: those to Somalia in 1992–93 and Rwanda in 1994–95. While there are many similarities between the two missions in terms of time, scale and theatre, the differences are more important. Both missions are usually recalled as failures despite the Australian troops having been extremely successful in their roles during both deployments. Moreover the experiences with intervention in Africa seem to have forever blighted Australian participation in peace missions on that continent.  相似文献   
微加速度计研究的进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了微加速度计的基本原理以及国内外常见的各种微加速度计的结构形式,包括压电式、电容式、扭摆式、隧道式等,分析了这些传感器的基本特点,总结微加速度计发展中存在的一些问题,并提出一些解决关键问题的措施,预测微加速度计未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
科学信息的快速发展给高校心理健康教育提出了新的挑战,网络多媒体相结合案例教学的教育模式已成为高校教育模式发展的趋势。文章阐述了在《心理健康教育》教学中运用网络多媒体技术结合案例教学的心得体会,分析了网络多媒体结合案例教学的优势。  相似文献   
警卫部队信息化建设为警卫部队在新时期更好地完成党和人民赋予的各项警卫任务提供了更加便捷和有效的服务与保障。分析警卫信息化建设的必要性和重要性,探讨警卫信息化建设中需要建立健全的几个应用性系统。  相似文献   
鱼雷外形建模是鱼雷设计过程中非常重要的一项工作环节.传统的鱼雷外形建模方法仅仅是利用了CAD绘图软件进行手动建模,但是在鱼雷外形初步设计过程阶段,往往需要对设计参数进行多次调整,这就造成了参数一旦调整就要重新建模,既降低了效率,也浪费了大量的人力和时间.采用了基于Java环境开发的参数输入界面,同时与UG/OPEN二次开发技术相结合,完成鱼雷外形参数化建模平台的搭建,开发出了较为简单方便的鱼雷外形参数化建模的方法,大大提高了鱼雷外形建模的效率.  相似文献   

Since 1975 “offsets” have begun to appear frequently in contracts covering international sales of aircraft and other products incorporating advanced technology. Offsets involve reciprocity beyond that normally found in an exchange of goods for money. They may involve co‐production or co‐design of the principal item to be exchanged, or acceptance by the seller of goods or services unrelated to it as partial payment (indirect offsets or countertrade).

The United States has become the major provider of offsets and anti‐offset sentiment has grown. Economists interpret them as trade diverting. Politicians from regions suffering loss of employment view them as bestowing unfair advantage to foreign competitors.

The authors examine offsets from both theoretical and policy perspectives and conclude that in such noncompetitive markets, second‐best considerations dominate, requiring case‐by‐case evaluation of impacts and rendering across‐the‐board determinations of welfare loss suspect.  相似文献   
Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam recently announced that they are launching nuclear energy programs, and Malaysia and the Philippines soon may follow suit. As a result, by 2020, at least three states in Southeast Asia could possess latent nuclear capabilities—the option to pursue military applications of dual-use nuclear technology. Analysis of the nuclear programs, domestic proliferation pressures, and the external threat environment in Southeast Asia leads the authors to conclude that the nuclear intentions of states in that region are entirely peaceful and the probability of future nuclear breakout there is low. However, this finding does not justify complacency. In the long term, the benign outlook for regional security may change, and in the near term weak regulatory regimes present serious challenges to nuclear safety and create opportunities that non-state actors may exploit. To minimize these risks, the authors recommend creating a “proliferation firewall” around the region, which would combine strong global support for Southeast Asian nuclear energy programs with innovative regional multilateral nuclear arrangements.  相似文献   
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